Getting help for an addiction can be a very sensitive point for many people and a lot of the time people simply shy away from getting the treatment that they need out of fear or shame or some other reason that they create in their minds thinking that it will somehow make them less of a person. But all of these are simply excuses that one would create in their minds to deny the fact that they do actually need help. Here are some of the reasons why people do not get help for their addictions or just simply say excuses to stop getting help.
It’s In Our Genes
With the advent of the internet people have had the opportunity of Googling for pretty much anything and this pretty much anything is actually pretty harmful. Even doctors tell patients to not Google for their symptoms because let’s face it not all patients are doctors and only a real doctor can tell you what is really going on. Similarly Googling about addiction has told people that if it is in your genes you really cannot help it. Yes, there is a factor that counts in your genes. Some families may have a genetic predisposition towards substance abuse but does that really mean that you should fall victim to that and ruin your life? There are people in the Olympics who are disabled in case you haven’t noticed. Don’t victimize yourself and think that you cannot help it because you can if you really want to.

I’m Not Addicted I Just like to Live Life King Size
The next big excuse is this. How many people refuse to go to drug rehab facilities saying that they are not addicted and that they simply wish to live life kingsize? Nothing could be further from the truth in reality. If you want to live your life king size focus on your education your career and on your family. Build an empire if you want to, go travel the world, write a book, do anything apart from getting addicted basically. Do not waste away your time, your life, health and dreams on something that you think is cool and then be in denial about it.
I Can Handle Myself
Sure you can. That’s exactly why you were lying unconscious the past few times right? There is no handling yourself when you are abusing substances. What you need is help. There is absolutely nothing wrong in just plain owning up to say that you may have some kind of dependency upon some kind of substance and that you need help for it. If you could handle yourself you would never have gotten into being so dependent on the substance anyway. So think about that and take the right action.
I Have a Really Hard Life
Who doesn’t? Maybe some of us have it harder than others but in every person’s eyes their issues are the worst and the biggest. So what is new about that? You having a hard life is a reason for you to stand up and become somebody, anybody other than a person who cannot function without some kind of intoxicant. Love yourself you are worth all of it.
FAQ Section:
The people who don’t want to get help for addiction have their own reasons. Some of them are:
– They don’t want to admit they have a problem.
– They don’t believe that they can recover.
– They think it is too expensive and there is no point in spending money on something they cannot afford.
– They are worried that they will be judged by the people around them or by the professionals.
– They feel like it’s too embarrassing to talk about this topic with others.
– They are afraid of what might happen after treatment (e.g., relapse).
Addiction is a destructive process that can lead to many negative effects on the addict and the people around them.
The most common negative effects of addiction for the addict are:
– Financial problems,
– Relationship problems,
– Loss of friends and family members,
– Legal issues,
– Emotional problems (depression)
Some of the benefits of getting help for addiction include:
– The individual can become more productive
– They can have a better quality of life
– The individual will be able to live their life the way they want to live it
– They will be able to have freedom from addiction
There are many ways in which people can get help for addiction. One of the most common ways is through therapy. A therapist will work with the person to identify what their triggers are and how they can manage their addiction. Therapy is usually a long process and it will take time before the person sees any changes in their behaviour.
Another way that people can get help for addiction is through medication. There are medications available that can reduce or stop addictive behaviours without the need for therapy. These medications have to be taken carefully, as they have side effects but they are an option for some people who don’t want to go through therapy or find it too difficult.
The side effects of getting help for addiction are that the person may need to take medications and attend therapy sessions. They may also experience withdrawal symptoms if they were dependent on the substance.
The benefits of getting help for addiction are that the person can recover from their addiction and live a life free from drugs or alcohol. They can also avoid legal trouble, like jail time or fines.